A simple python script using Numpy and Matplotlib library

Mohr’s Circle Calculator
A simple python script using Numpy and Matplotlib library to plot a Mohr’s Circle when given a two-dimensional state of stress.
This is a really small personal project done for Department of Civil Engineering, Delhi Technological University (formerly, Delhi College of Engineering) for a course in Mechanics of Solid (Course Code – CE202).
It is a simple program using Python
, NumPy
and Matplotlib
which helps a user to plot Mohr’s Cirle when given the two-dimensional state of stress.
In Mechanics, the mechanics of deformable bodies is termed as Strength of Materials, Mechanics of Materials, or in its more advanced form, as Solid Mechanics. Mechanics of Materials deals with stresses, in their simple one-dimensional states, or at a slightly advanced level, a two-dimensional state of stress;