A simple project management tool for educational purposes in python

This software is used for educational and demonstrative purposes. It’s a simple project management tool powered by Django Framework
- Class-Based Views approach
- Login, Sign Up, Recover (LoginView, FormView, UserCreationForm, PasswordResetForm, LogoutView, PasswordResetView, PasswordResetDoneView, PasswordResetConfirmView, PasswordResetCompleteView)
- Custom Extended User model (AbstractUser, BaseUserManager, UserManager)
- Permissions and Groups (LoginRequiredMixin, PermissionRequiredMixin)
- Simple CRUD views (ListView, DetailView, CreateView, UpdateView, DeleteView)
- File uploading
- Statistics (TemplateView, View, Q, F, Count, FloatField, Cast, Case, When, Sum, Avg)
- Forms (Form, ModelForm)
- Admin page (ModelAdmin, TabularInline)
- Template and layouts (include templates, blocks, custom 500, 404, 403 handlers)
- Router urls (include, namespace, params)
- Caching (memcached)
- Async workers with celery
- Localization and internationalization (with pluralization)
- Timezone support (pytz)
- Markdown syntax, Status highlight (Template tags)
- DB router (master, slave)
- Unittests with coverage
- Uwsgi (with static and media