A simple console manager for OverDrive audiobook loans in python

A simple console manager for OverDrive audiobook loans. A python port of overdrive.
Requires Python >=3.5.
- Downloads the cover and audio files for an audiobook loan
- Supports the return of a loan
# Install / Update to specific versionpip3 install git+https://[email protected]/ping/[email protected] –upgrade # Install / Update from latest sourcepip3 install git+https://[email protected]/ping/odmpy.git –upgrade –force-reinstall # Uninstallpip3 uninstall odmpy
usage: odmpy [-h] [-v] [-t TIMEOUT] {info,dl,ret} ...
Download/return an Overdrive loan audiobook
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --verbose Enable more verbose messages for debugging
-t TIMEOUT, --timeout TIMEOUT
Timeout (seconds) for network requests. Default 10.
Available commands:
{info,dl,ret} To get more help, use the -h option with the command.
info Get information about a