A set of tools to analyse, modify or extend the Swiss synthetic population

A set of tools to analyse, modify or extend the Swiss synthetic population.
Executive summary
SynPopToolbox is a Python framework developed by the transport & mobility modelling team at the Swiss Federal Railways (SBB). It offers tools to pre-process, visualise and modify a synthetic population of Switzerland.
The synthetic population for 2017 has been established through a joint effort from SBB and the Federal Office for Spatial Development ARE for transport and land-use modelling purposes. The project and applied methods are documented in a technical report (www.are.admin.ch/flnm).
For privacy reasons, the synthetic population that SynPopToolbox wraps itself around, is NOT publicly available. At this stage, SynPopToolbox is only intended for the teams that have access to the raw synthetic population data.
The Synthetic population aggregated to person groups and transport zones