A script that lists all current Bisq offers in the terminal

A script that lists all current Bisq offers in the terminal
Bisq is a decentralized bitcoin exchange that allows us to buy or sell bitcoin peer-to-peer.
This script shows all current buy or sell offers in the Bisq network in our preferred fiat currency.
We can indicate the following paramenters in our script header:
: payment methods to hide in order to get a cleaner output
lsbisq.py -t
: (string) BUY or SELL (example:-t BUY
). Default value isBUY
: (string) Currency we want to exchange for bitcoin (example:-f EUR
). Default value isEUR
: (integer) Max deviation (in percentage) from market price (example:-d 8
). Default value is 8 %
lsbisq.py -h
: to show help and check