A screaming-fast, scalable, asynchronous Python 3.5+ HTTP toolkit integrated

There is no new project development happening at the moment, but it’s not abandoned either. Pull requests and new maintainers are welcome.
If you are a novice Python programmer, you don’t like plumbing yourself or you don’t have basic understanding of C, this project is not probably what you are looking for.
Japronto (from Portuguese “já pronto” /ˈʒa pɾõtu/ meaning “already done”) is a screaming-fast, scalable, asynchronous Python 3.5+ HTTP toolkit integrated with pipelining HTTP server based on uvloop and picohttpparser. It’s targeted at speed enthusiasts, people who like plumbing and early adopters.
Here’s a chart to help you imagine what kind of things you can do with Japronto:
As user @heppu points out Go’s stdlib HTTP server can be 12% faster than