A python wrapper over OpenGL 3.3+ core that simplifies the creation of simple graphics
ModernGL is a python wrapper over OpenGL 3.3+ core that simplifies the creation of simple graphics applications like scientific simulations, games or user interfaces. Usually, acquiring in-depth knowledge of OpenGL requires a steep learning curve. In contrast, ModernGL is easy to learn and use, moreover it is capable of rendering with high performance and quality, with less code written. The majority of the moderngl code base is also written in C++ for high performance.
pip install moderngl
- GPU accelerated high quality graphics
- Rendering modern OpenGL scenes with less headache
- Simpler and faster than PyOpenGL
- Can render without a window
- 100% Pythonic
Sample usage
>>> import moderngl
>>> ctx = moderngl.create_standalone_context()
>>> buf = ctx.buffer(b'Hello World!') # allocated on the GPU
>>> buf.read()