A python tools for fine-tuning language models for a task


You have just found the DataTuner. This repository provides tools for fine-tuning language models for a task.


Environment Creation

Assuming you have an existing conda setup, you can setup the environment with the following script. In order to activate the conda environment within the bash script, you need the location of the conda.sh file:

bash setup.sh  ~/miniconda3/etc/profile.d/conda.sh

You can update your existing environment:

conda env update -f=environment.yml

To start development, activate your environment:

conda activate finetune

Alternatively, you can always use the python binary with the absolute path, e.g.: ~/miniconda3/envs/finetune/bin/python.


For any task you want to fine-tune on, you need the data to be a json file containing a list of json objects, one per data point.




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