A Python script made to automate the tidious job of mining on AlienWorlds

A Python script made to automate the tidious job of mining on AlienWorlds

This script:

  • Automatically logs in
  • Automatically mines and claims

AlienWorlds bot was made for educational purposes only, the developers and contributors do not take any responsibility for your WAX.io, AlienWorlds and, or Reddit accounts.


  • Python 3.7 or greater
  • Firefox browser
  • Geckodriver
  • Installed requirements.txt
  • A Wax.io account

Instalation guide


  1. Install dependencies sudo sh install-dependencies-debian.sh.

Config edits

  1. Copy conf.json from example cp conf.json.example conf.json

  2. Change the username, password and login_method values in conf.json to match your credentials and login method.

    Connection method value of login_method
    Wax account wax
    Reddit account reddit


  1. Start the script by running python3 mine.py !

Any problems? Submit




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