A Python client for WebHDFS
Python HDFS client
Because the world needs yet another way to talk to HDFS from Python.
This library provides a Python client for WebHDFS. NameNode HA is supported by passing in both NameNodes. Responses are returned as nice Python classes, and any failed operation will raise some subclass of HdfsException
matching the Java exception.
Example usage:
>>> fs = pyhdfs.HdfsClient(hosts='nn1.example.com:50070,nn2.example.com:50070', user_name='someone')
>>> fs.list_status('/')
[FileStatus(pathSuffix='benchmarks', permission='777', type='DIRECTORY', ...), FileStatus(...), ...]
>>> fs.listdir('/')
['benchmarks', 'hbase', 'solr', 'tmp', 'user', 'var']
>>> fs.mkdirs('/fruit/x/y')
>>> fs.create('/fruit/apple', 'delicious')
>>> fs.append('/fruit/apple', ' food')
>>> with contextlib.closing(fs.open('/fruit/apple')) as f:
... f.read()
b'delicious food'
>>> fs.get_file_status('/fruit/apple')
FileStatus(length=14, owner='someone', type='FILE', ...)
>>> fs.get_file_status('/fruit/apple').owner
>>> fs.get_content_summary('/fruit')
ContentSummary(directoryCount=3, fileCount=1, length=14, quota=-1, spaceConsumed=14, spaceQuota=-1)
>>> list(fs.walk('/fruit'))
[('/fruit', ['x'], ['apple']), ('/fruit/x', ['y'], []), ('/fruit/x/y',