A powerful, fast and simple Telegram userbot written in Python 3

Telecharm userbot

A powerful, fast and simple Telegram userbot written in Python 3 and based on Pyrogram 1.X. Currently in active WIP state, so feel free to contribute.

Starting up

Ensure you have installed the Python 3.8 or above before proceeding.


  1. Git clone this repo.

    git clone https://github.com/WhiteMemory99/telecharm-userbot.git
  2. Visit https://my.telegram.org/apps to get your own api_id and api_hash.

  3. Rename .env.dist to .env and open it.

  4. Edit .env file: fill in your api_id, api_hash.

Docker deployment

Make sure you have docker.

  1. Build the image.
docker build -t telecharm-image .
  1. After building, start the userbot in interactive mode.
docker run -it -v pyrogram_sessions:/code/app/files --name telecharm-bot telecharm-image




To finish reading, please visit source site