A next gen powerful telegram group manager bot

EzilaX v1
Unmaintained. The new repo of @EzilaXBot is Public.
(It is no longer based on this source code. The completely rewritten bot available now on telegram)
A Powerful, Smart And Simple Group Manager
… Written with AioGram , Pyrogram and Telethon…
Self-hosting (For Devs) ⚔
# Install Git First (apt-instll git)
$ git clone https://github.com/sadew451/EzilaXBot-v2
$ cd EzilaX
# Upgrade sources
$ bash deploy.sh
# Install All Requirements
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
# Rename ./EzilaX/data/bot_conf.yaml.example to bot_conf.yaml and fill
# Start Bot
$ python3 -m EzilaXBot-v2
Mandatory Vars 📒
[+] Make Sure You Add All These Mandatory Vars.
[-] APP_ID: You can get this value from https://my.telegram.org
[-] APP_HASH : You can get this value from https://my.telegram.org