A NeoVim plugin for highlighting visual selections like in a normal document editor

HighStr.nvim is a NeoVim plugin written in Lua that aims to provide a the simple functionality of highlighting text like one would do in a normal document editor. To use it, install it with your favorite plugin manager, select something in visual mode and then run :HSHighlight. You can also add keybindings to the commands.
- Highlight visual selection in any given pre-defined color.
- Remove highlighting from lines in visual selection.
- Users can set up foreground and background of any color.
- Has a “smart” option to set foreground based on background.
- Users can add any amount of colors.
- Produce a verbose output for debugging (optional).
Checkout the CHANGELOG.md file for more information on the notices below:
- 26-05-21: Fixed bug that prevented adding new colors and