A multithreaded tool for searching and downloading images from popular search engines
Code by Trong-Dat Ngo.
🕳️CygnusX1 is a multithreaded tool 🛠️, used to search and download images from popular search engines 🔎. It is straightforward to set up and run!
Key features
- 🥰 No knowledge is required to get up and to run.
- 🚀 Download image using customizable number of threads.
- ⛏️Crawl all possible images (search results and recommendations).
This repository is tested on Python 3.6+ and PyTorch selenium 3.141.0+, as well as it works fine on macOS, Windows, Linux.
You should setup and run 🕳️CygnusX1 in a virtual environment. If you’re
unfamiliar with Python virtual environments, check out the user guide here.
First, create a virtual environment with the version of Python