A multi-platform fuzzer for poking at userland binaries and servers
A multi-platform fuzzer for poking at userland binaries and servers
Litefuzz is meant to serve a purpose: fuzz and triage on all the major platforms, support both CLI/GUI apps, network clients and servers in order to find security-related bugs. It simplifies the process and makes it easy to discover security bugs in many different targets, across platforms, while just making a few honest trade-offs.
It isn’t built for speed, scalability or meant to win any prizes in academia. It applies simple techniques at various angles to yield results. For console-based file fuzzing, you should probably just use AFL. It has superior performance, instrumention capabilities (and faster non-instrumented execs), scale and can make freakin’ jpegs out of thin air. For networking fuzzing, the mutiny fuzzer also works well if