A minimalistic manga reader for desktop built with React and Django


A minimalistic manga reader/server for serving local manga images on desktop browser.
Provides a two-page view layout just as reading a physical copy.

Reader Demo


Python(with pip) and Node.js(with npm) installations required.

Directory structure & naming

Following naming scheme is to be followed for all manga to be served:

    |-- series-name-in-dash-case/
        |-- chapters/
            |-- 0001/
                |-- 001.png
                |-- 002.png
            |-- 0002/
        |-- volumes/
            |-- 030/
                |-- 0120/
                    |-- 001.png
            |-- 031/
    |-- another-series/

Series require their own folder, like one-piece or attack-on-titan in dash-case.
Within each, chapters/, volumes/ or both are to be created.

NOTE: volumes/ needs to have chapter folders; each folder having images pertaining to the chapter

Item No. of characters for naming Naming




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