A high performance and generic framework for distributed DNN training

BytePS is a high performance and general distributed training framework. It supports TensorFlow, Keras, PyTorch, and MXNet, and can run on either TCP or RDMA network.

BytePS outperforms existing open-sourced distributed training frameworks by a large margin. For example, on BERT-large training, BytePS can achieve ~90% scaling efficiency with 256 GPUs (see below), which is much higher than Horovod+NCCL. In certain scenarios, BytePS can double the training speed compared with Horovod+NCCL.


We show our experiment on BERT-large training, which is based on GluonNLP toolkit. The model uses mixed precision.

We use Tesla V100 32GB GPUs and set batch size equal to 64 per GPU. Each machine has 8 V100 GPUs (32GB memory) with NVLink-enabled. Machines are inter-connected with 100 Gbps RDMA network. This is the same hardware setup you




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