A FOSS alternative to Bloomberg Terminal

Gamestonk Terminal
The next best thing after Bloomberg Terminal.
How it started:
Gamestonk Terminal is an awesome stock and crypto market terminal that has been developed for fun, while I saw my GME shares tanking. But hey, I like the stock 💎🙌.
How it’s going:
Gamestonk Terminal provides a modern Python-based integrated environment for investment research, that allows the average joe retail trader to leverage state-of-the-art Data Science and Machine Learning technologies.
As a modern Python-based environment, GamestonkTerminal opens access to numerous Python data libraries in Data Science (Pandas, Numpy, Scipy, Jupyter), Machine Learning (Pytorch, Tensorflow, Sklearn, Flair), and Data Acquisition (Beautiful Soup, and numerous third-party APIs).
Getting Started
If you’d like to see a video recording of the installation process, @JohnnyDankseed has made one available