A documentation injection tool for your classes when using Fast API

LuSyringe is a documentation injection tool for your classes when using Fast API


The main benefit is being able to separate your business code (classes) from the logic of the documentation and pydantic validation. For example, a class that serves as a response for an endpoint may look like this without LuSyringe:

class HealthResponse(BaseModel):
  ping: str = Field(..., example="pong")
  version: str = Field(..., example="1.0.0")

And that’s not bad at first look, but the response class is tightly coupled of the logic of the validation + documentation offered by Pydantic and FastAPI. When dealing with inheritance, you may run into cases that the search for where the documentation is being defined is a bit harsh.

Well, with LuSyringe that’s how the HealthReponse class would look.

from lusyringe import lusyringe

class HealthResponse(metaclass=lusyringe(health_response_docs)):




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