A Discord bot to help keep track of members’ BattleTags and Overwatch SR
Orisa is a Discord bot that solves a problem an Overwatch community I’m a member of had: people who want to play as a team in a Quickplay or competitive match always had to ask for each other’s BattleTags and – in case of competitive – rank.
Orisa solves this problem: people can message her to register their BattleTag, and other players can now ask her for each others BattleTags, Orisa also regularly checks Blizzard’s playoverwatch.com site to update the member’s nicknames to include their current SR (or rank).
As an added bonus, it tries to motivate people by publically congratulating them if they manage to increase their competitive rank (Silver -> Gold etc.)
She also can manage voice channels and create them on demand, and show fancy SR