A Discord API Wrapper for Userbots/Selfbots written in Python

A simple, easy to use, non-restrictive, synchronous Discord API Wrapper for Selfbots/Userbots written in Python.
Discum is a Discord self/userbot api wrapper (in case you didn’t know, self/userbotting = automating a user account). Whenever you login to discord, your client communicates with Discord’s servers using Discord’s http api (http(s) requests) and gateway server (websockets). Discum allows you have this communication with Discord using python.
The main difference between Discum and other Discord api wrapper libraries (like discord.py) is that discum is written and maintained to work on user accounts (so, perfect for selfbots/userbots). We test code on here and develop discum to be readable, expandable, and useable. Functions that are risky to use are clearly stated as such in the docs.
Note, using a selfbot