A Delaunay-based unstructured mesh generator


JIGSAW is an unstructured mesh generator and tessellation library; designed to generate high-quality triangulations and polyhedral decompositions of general planar, surface and volumetric domains. JIGSAW includes refinement-based algorithms for the construction of new meshes, optimisation-driven techniques for the improvement of existing grids, as well as routines to assemble (restricted) Delaunay tessellations, Voronoi complexes and Power diagrams.

This package provides a Python based scripting interface to the underlying JIGSAW mesh generator, including a range of additional facilities for file I/O, mesh visualisation and post-processing operations.

JIGSAW has been compiled and tested on various 64-bit Linux , Windows and Mac based platforms.


Ensure you have a c++ compiler and the cmake utility installed.
Clone/download + unpack this repository.
python3 setup.py build_external
python3 setup.py install




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