A custom ListView with a header that displays pictures from an URL

What is BlurStickyHeaderListView?

It is a custom ListView with a header that displays pictures from an URL. It then adds a nice blur/parallax effect to the downloaded picture. It also provides the option of a sticky title. Here is a video of it in action.

How do I use the thing?

Add compile 'me.emmano:blurstickyheaderlistview:0.1.+' to the dependencies{} in your build.gradle. If you do not aleady have jcenter() added to your project, do so by adding the following to build.gradle:

repositories {

You also need to add renderscript to your project. If using android studio add the following to defaultConfig{} inside build.gradle:

defaultConfig {
    //Other config...
    renderscriptTargetApi 19
    renderscriptSupportMode true

BlurStickyHeaderListView is pretty straight forward to use. You




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