A command line utility to export Google Keep notes to markdown

A command line utility to export Google Keep notes to markdown files with metadata stored as a frontmatter header.
Supports exporting:
- Simple notes
- List notes
- Images and Drawings
- Audio clips
- Link annotations
If you do not supply a username or password before running it, you will be prompted to input them.
Usage: keep_export [OPTIONS]
--config FILE Read configuration from FILE.
-u, --user TEXT Google account email (prompt if empty) [env var: GKEEP_USER; required]
-p, --password TEXT Google account password (prompt if empty). Either this or token is required. [env
-t, --token TEXT Google account token from prior run. Either this or password is required.
-d, --directory DIRECTORY Output directory for exported notes [default: ./gkeep-export]
--header / --no-header Choose to include