A cli Linux and Windows Nopaystation client made with python and wget

pyNPS – A cli Linux and Windows Nopaystation client made with python 3 and wget
PyNPS is a Nopaystation client writen in python 3 that, with the help of wget and pkg2zip, can search, download and decrypt/extract PSVita, PSP, PSX, PSM and PS3 games from Nopaystation database. It’s basically a command line version of NPSBrowser writen by a moron (aka me).
There are tree methods you can install pyNPS:
Using PIP
This is for both 32 and 64bits systems. All you need is python 3.7 or newer alongside PIP:
pip install pynps
Make sure to also install pkg2zip and wget (this should already be installed in most Linux distros tho).
This script uses lusid1’s pkg2zip, as recomended by NoPayStation, to handle the .pkg extractions,