A chatbot made in RASA and helps the user to plan their vacation


Here is my Senior Design Project that I implemented to graduate from Computer Engineering. It is a chatbot made in RASA and helps the user to plan their vacation in the Turkish language. In order to plan the user’s vacation, it provides reservations by asking various questions for hotel, flight, or event.

  1. Create a virtual environment of python 3.6 or greater.
  2. Navigate to the rasa directory. Run the command:
    rasa train
  3. After the model is trained, launch the rasa core server:
    rasa run -m models –enable-api
  4. Launch the rasa actions server in another terminal:
    rasa run actions
  5. Navigate to the chatbot/backend. Run the command:
    python route.py
  6. Launch the frontend on the local python http server under the interface directory:
    python -m http.server

Here is an example conversation for booking an event in Turkish.




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