A C-like hardware description language adding HLS-like automatic pipelining

A C-like(1) hardware description language (HDL)(2) adding HLS(high level synthesis)-like automatic pipelining(3) as a language construct/compiler feature.
- Not actually regular C. But mostly compileable by gcc for doing basic functional verification/’simulation’.
This is for convenience as a familiar bare minimum language prototype, not as an ideal end goal. Reach out to help develop something more complex together! - Can reasonably replace Verilog/VHDL. Compiler produces synthesizable and human readable+debuggable VHDL. Hooks exist for inserting raw VHDL / existing IP / black boxes.
- If a computation can be written as a pure function without side effects (i.e. no global/static variables) then it will be autopipelined.
Conceptually similar to technologies like Intel’s variable latency Hyper-Pipelining
and Xilinx’s retiming options.
Sharing some of the compiler driven pipelining design goals of