A 3D Dense mapping backend library of SLAM based on taichi-Lang designed for the aerial swarm
This project is a 3D Dense mapping backend library of SLAM based Taichi-Lang, designed for the aerial swarm.
Taichi is an efficient domain-specific language (DSL) designed for computer graphics (CG), which can be adopted for high-performance computing on mobile devices. Thanks to the connection between CG and robotics, we can adopt this powerful tool to accelerate the development of robotics algorithms.
In this project, I am trying to take advantages of Taichi, including parallel optimization, sparse computing, advanced data structures and CUDA acceleration. The original purpose of this project is to reproduce dense mapping papers, including Octomap, Voxblox, Voxgraph etc.
Note: This project is only backend of 3d dense mapping. For full SLAM features including real-time state estimation, pose graph optimization, depth generation, please take a look on