Highlights from Machine Translation and Multilinguality in April 2023

Here is my monthly summray of what new papers and preprints are liked the most
during the previous month.

Several institutions in China did a thorough evaluation of how large language
models work for machine translation One might think yet another paper like
this, but this one is much better than what Tencent did with ChatGPT and just a
few tests sentences. This paper uses the Flores 101 test set, a pretty standard
large test for 101 languages. Everything is based on promptining: no finetuning
is involved. They test OPT (English
GPT3-sized LLM by Meta, claimed to be an open alternative to GPT),
BLOOMZ (finetued BLOOM, an open LLM for 40
languages), XGLM (multilingual LLM by Meta
AI) and ChatGPT.

At the first glance, BLOOM seem to



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