POC script for Malware Hunting over the WWW

POC script for Malware Hunting over the WWW

To start with Malware Hunting, execute: python3 ./lovac.py.

The script will start looking for random domain names, download first page to ./lovac_download/ folder and parse interesting strings to the ./lovac_output/ folder. After the tool is done, you can analyze output files manually and run the antivirus scan on download folder.
The tool will save current status of discovery process in ./lovac_discovered.txt and ./lovac_tried.txt files.

Discover “co.rs” domains, with minimum length 2 and maximum length 6, try 10k combinations and use only letters “abvgdjezijklm”:

# python3 ./lovac.py –tld “co.rs” –min 2 –max 6 –repeat 10000 –chars “abvgdjezijklm”

Discover domains from keyword list and append “.rs”:

# python3 ./lovac.py –list LIST_KEYWORDS_OR_DOMAINS.txt –appendtld –tld “rs”

For all options run: python3 ./lovac.py -h

Tool is




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