Local-Global Context Aware Transformer for Language-Guided Video Segmentation

This repository is an official PyTorch implementation of paper:
Local-Global Context Aware Transformer for Language-Guided Video Segmentation.
Chen Liang, Wenguan Wang, Tianfei Zhou, Jiaxu Miao, Yawei Luo, Yi Yang
arXiv 2022.

News & Update Logs:

  • [2022-03-17] Repo created. Paper, code, and data will come in a few days. Stay tuned.
  • [2022-03-18] Inference code, pretrained weights, and data for A2D-S+ released.
  • [2022-03-21] arXiv (full paper available)
  • Instructions on usage
  • Training code and detailed instructions
  • Code for dataset creation


We explore the task of language-guided video segmentation (LVS).




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