Displays market info for LUNI/LUNA on the Terra Blockchain (Webscrape method currently scraping CoinMarketCap)

Displays market info for LUNI/LUNA on the Terra Blockchain (Webscrape method currently scraping CoinMarketCap). Will evolve over time 🙂

pip3 install bs4 discord dotenv flask requests
Discord Developer Portal: https://discord.com/developers/applications/
Set up your bot in the given link above and click “Bot” on the left menu to see the “Token” section underneath the Username input.
Keep this in mind, as you will need this later.
This is a private key to your Bot, so make sure to keep it safe/hidden, as anyone with it has control over your bot and potentially your server.
In the Discord Dev Portal, click “OAuth2” on the left
Go to the second section, “URL Generator”
Assign the permissions you wish the bot to have, make sure to