Toy example of a python script that instantiates and trains a PyTorch neural network on the FashionMNIST dataset with several common and useful featur

This simple_pytorch_example project is a toy example of a python script that instantiates and trains a PyTorch neural network on the FashionMNIST dataset with several common and useful features:

  • Choose between two different neural network architectures
  • Make architectures parametrizable
  • Read input arguments from config file or command line
    • (command line arguments override config file ones)
  • Download FashionMNIST dataset if not already downloaded
  • Monitor training progress on the terminal and/or with TensorBoard logs
    • Accuracy, loss, confusion matrix

More details about FashionMNIST can be found here.

It may be useful as a starting point for people who are starting to learn about PyTorch and neural networks.


We assume that most users will have a GPU driver correctly configured, although the script can also be run on the




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