An Auto-Grinding bot made for Pokemeow. Efficient but not many features yet

This is an Auto-Grinding bot made for Pokemeow. Efficient but not many features yet.

Supported features

This bot can currently handle :

  1. Hunting
  • Encounter then use a ball depending on the rarity of the Pokemon.
  • Stops if a captcha appears then continue after the captcha has been solved.
  • Logs elapsed time, encounters and catches.

Upcoming Features

  1. Fishing
  2. Handling Eggs
  3. Auto-Buy Balls
  4. Captcha Notifier
  5. Captcha Solver


On your PC

  1. Install Python 3.8 or higher.
  2. Download this repo then unzip it.
  3. Inside of the repo type the following command python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Paste your Dicord Auth Token, User ID and the Channel ID you want to grind in inside




    To finish reading, please visit source site