Fetching Cryptocurrency Prices from Coingecko and Displaying them on Grafana

Fetching Cryptocurrency Prices from Coingecko and Displaying them on Grafana


This stack consists of:

  • Prometheus (timeseries database)
  • Pushgateway (introduces a /metrics endpoint for prometheus to scrape)
  • Grafana (the best)
  • Redis (k/v in memory store)
  • Python Script that pulls crypto market data, publishes to pushgateway for prometheus to scrape, and stores market data in Redis
  • Flask API to fetch market prices for other projects

I’m using coingecko’s api which gives me 50 free calls per minute.


Clone the repo:

git clone https://github.com/ruanbekker/cryptocurrency-prices-grafana

Change to the directory and build/start the containers:

cd cryptocurrency-prices-grafana




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