Machine Learning Performance Improvement Cheat Sheet

Last Updated on May 22, 2019
32 Tips, Tricks and Hacks That You Can Use To Make Better Predictions.
The most valuable part of machine learning is predictive modeling.
This is the development of models that are trained on historical data and make predictions on new data.
And the number one question when it comes to predictive modeling is:
How can I get better results?
This cheat sheet contains my best advice distilled from years of my own application and studying top machine learning practitioners and competition winners.
With this guide, you will not only get unstuck and lift performance, you might even achieve world-class results on your prediction problems.
Let’s dive in.
Note, the structure of this guide is based on an early guide that you might fine useful on improving performance for deep learning titled: How To Improve Deep Learning Performance.

Machine Learning Performance Improvement Cheat Sheet
Photo by NASA, some rights reserved.
This cheat sheet is designed to give you ideas to lift performance on
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