A high-performance DNS stub resolver for bulk lookups and reconnaissance (subdomain enumeration)

A high-performance DNS stub resolver

MassDNS is a simple high-performance DNS stub resolver targeting those who seek to resolve a massive amount of domain names in the order of millions or even billions. Without special configuration, MassDNS is capable of resolving over 350,000 names per second using publicly available resolvers.



Clone the git repository and cd into the project root folder. Then run make to build from source. If you are not on Linux, run make nolinux. On Windows, the Cygwin packages gcc-core, git and make are required.


Usage: ./bin/massdns [options] [domainlist]
-b --bindto Bind to IP address and port. (Default:
--busy-poll Use busy-wait polling instead of epoll.
-c --resolve-count Number of resolves for a name before giving up. (Default: 50)
--drop-group Group to drop privileges to




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