Google Landmark Retrieval 2021 2nd Place Solution

The 2nd place solution of 2021 google landmark retrieval on kaggle.
We use cuda 11.1/python 3.7/torch 1.9.1/torchvision 0.8.1 for training and testing.
Download imagenet pretrained model ResNeXt101ibn and SEResNet101ibn from IBN-Net. ResNest101 and ResNeSt269 can be found in ResNest.
Prepare data
Download GLDv2 full version from the official site.
python tools/
. This will generateclean
data for different stage of training. -
Validation annotation comes from all 1129 images in GLDv2. We expand the competition index set to index_expand. Each query could find all its GTs in the expanded index set and the validation could be more accurate.