You will need to install a few python packages for this one

- Bait support
- Auto repair will repair every 10 catches
- Anti detection (still a work in progress) but using random times and click positions
–pip install pyautogui
–pip install pydirectinput
- 1920 x 1080 resolution Full screen (windowed is untested)
- You MUST run and put your cursor in the middle of the fishing rod while its equipped to your character (the console will tell you your current mouse position). THEN inside of insert your X position on line 39 and Y position on line 40.
- FOR USING BAIT You MUST edit line 41 and change “waterType” to be ” = 1 ” for fresh water or ” = 2 ” for salt water (leave it at 0 if you don’t want to use bait)
- Your fishing cast key must