A web application which stands as a toolkit for climate change law assessment

A web application which stands as a toolkit for climate change law assessment.
Installing the application
Get the source code:
git clone https://github.com/eaudeweb/lcc-toolkit
cd lcc-toolkit
Customize the environment files:
cp docker/postgres.env.example docker/postgres.env
cp docker/web.env.example docker/web.env
cp docker/init.sql.example docker/init.sql
Depending on the installation mode, create the docker-compose.override.yml file:
cp docker-compose.override.[prod|dev].yml docker-compose.override.yml
Start the application stack:
docker-compose up -d
docker-compose logs
Attach to the web service:
docker-compose run web
Create a superuser (for Ansible see https://gist.github.com/elleryq/9c70e08b1b2cecc636d6)
python manage.py createsuperuser
That’s it. If you installed in production mode, you should be able to access the app at http://localhost:8000. If you installed in development mode, follow the next steps.
Development setup
Make sure you have the following settings configured correctly (these are the default values in the .example files, so you