Django project starter on steroids: quickly create a Django app AND generate source code for data models + REST/GraphQL APIs

CodeQL codecov test across OS, package managers and Python versions

We’re a Django project starter on steroids!

One-line command to create a Django app with all the dependencies auto-installed
Easy config (alpha release) to generate Django code for:

  • setting up package managers (pipenv, poetry, virtualenv)
  • setting web servers (dev, gunicorn, uwsgi)
  • connecting to different databases (MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite3)
  • data models
  • CRUD API (REST, GraphQL)
  • unit tests and test coverage reporting
  • autogenerated test factories (FactoryBoy)
  • linting and code formatting (autopep8, isort)
  • API documentation (Swagger, ReDoc)

Quick start

  • Run the following command to create your new Django app:
npm install -g imagine && imagine create -f django -n myapp




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