Examples of Askdata usage in serving different types of data

This repository contains examples of Askdata usage in serving different types of data.


pip install askdata
pip install -r requirements.txt


Lets handle our authenticaton

from askdata import Askdata
askdata = Askdata()

Once your insert your account and password you’re all set

Query your data

# Load the list of the agents connected to your account as a pandas dataframe
get_agents_df = askdata.agents_dataframe()
#get one agent
agent = askdata.agent("sales_demo")
# Simple query
df = agent.ask('give me sales by countries')

Create a new Workspace (agent) and Create a dataset Starting from a Dataframe

# Load the list of the agents connected to your account as a pandas dataframe
agent.create_dataset(frame=df, dataset_name='Web Sources')

Askdata Demo

Check the following tutorial, to learn more about Askdata end-to-end.




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