Python SDK generated against the Yapily API can be used to connect to Open Banking entities
This SDK was generated using Swagger Code Generator. The SDK can be used as a module in your code and the examples demonstrate how to connect to financial institutions integrated with Yapily.
To connect to the Yapily API, you will need to register your
application at
These application credentials can then be used to authorise all
your API requests.
The SDK is currently available in the Yapily github repository and
can be included in your project
by adding it to your dependencies
pip install
pip3 install git+
pip upgrade
pip3 install –upgrade git+
Sample usage of the SDK can be seen in the examples
- Retrieve a list of available financial institutions to connect to
configuration = Configuration()
configuration.username = constants.APPLICATION_ID
configuration.password = constants.APPLICATION_SECRET
apiClient = ApiClient(configuration)
institutionsApi = InstitutionsApi(apiClient)
institutions = institutionsApi.get_institutions_using_get()
- Creating users