CRUD app to create and save code snippets, Flask/Python restful Api/backend and React
MS3 Cheat-Hub
A cheatsheet hub.
An app that organizes your code snippets into collections of cheat sheets and allows you to view, like and save others’.
The project is developed as part of MS3 Data Centric module at Code Institute. It is written with a Flask/Python restful backend API, and a React/Typescript CRA frontend.
Please visit the project at
Additionally, the restful backend API can be viwed at For a sample response, please visit the /api/snippets endpoint.
User Stories
New Visitor Goals
- As a new vistor, I want to have a good understanding of what the website does.
- As a new visitor, I want to be able to register for an account.
Returning Visitor Goals
- As a Returning Visitor,