A fast, user friendly ORM and query builder which supports asyncio


A fast, user friendly ORM and query builder which supports asyncio. Read the docs.


Some of it’s stand out features are:

  • Support for sync and async.
  • A builtin playground, which makes learning a breeze.
  • Tab completion support – works great with iPython and VSCode.
  • Batteries included – a User model, authentication, migrations, an admin GUI, and more.
  • Modern Python – fully type annotated.


The syntax is clean and expressive.

You can use it as a query builder:

# Select:
await Band.select(
    Band.popularity > 100

# Join:
await Band.select(

# Delete:
await Band.delete().where(
    Band.popularity < 1000

# Update:
await Band.update({Band.popularity: 10000}).where(
    Band.name == 'Pythonistas'

Or like a typical ORM:

# To




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