Python bindings for Podman’s RESTful API


This python package is a library of bindings to use the RESTful API of Podman. It is currently under development and contributors are welcome!


Example usage

"""Demonstrate PodmanClient."""
import json
from podman import PodmanClient

# Provide a URI path for the libpod service. In libpod, the URI can be a unix
# domain socket(UDS) or TCP. The TCP connection has not been implemented in this
# package yet.

uri = "unix:///run/user/1000/podman/podman.sock"

with PodmanClient(base_url=uri) as client:
version = client.version()
print("Release: ", version["Version"])
print("Compatible API: ", version["ApiVersion"])
print("Podman API: ", version["Components"][0]["Details"]["APIVersion"], "n")

# get all images
for image in client.images.list():
print(image,, "n")

# find all containers
for container in client.containers.list():
first_name = container['Names'][0]
container = client.containers.get(first_name)
print(container,, "n")

# available fields




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