A simple start with Natural Language Processing!

Introduction to NLP:
After I got acquainted with Machine learning concepts, I was wary of venturing into NLP. To me, NLP was a subject area posing a complicated outlook. But after my first encounter with it, I have come to realize that though it is hard to master it, it is easy to follow the concepts.
I am presenting some basic NLP concepts and their work.
NLP or Natural Language Processing is how machine understands and deals with human languages. Language processing implies text data that is unstructured.
Data availability and synthetic data generation are complexities involved in general with any type of machine learning use cases. But the NLP is the field where that problem is relatively less pronounced, as there are a lot of text data around us – the emails we write, the comments we post, blogs we write, etc.,
Some of its types are-
1) Named entity recognition – the process of extracting keywords/nouns