A project for 3D multi-object tracking with python

3D Multi-Object Tracker

This project is developed for tracking multiple objects in 3D scene. The visualization code is from here.



  • Fast: currently, the codes can achieve 700 FPS using only CPU (not include detection and data op), can perform tracking on all kitti val sequence in several seconds.
  • Support both online and global implementation. The overall framework of design is shown below:


Kitti Results

Results on the Kitti tracking val seq [1,6,8,10,12,13,14,15,16,18,19] using second-iou and point-rcnn detections. We followed the HOTA metric, and tuned the parameters in this code by firstly considering the HOTA performance.




To finish reading, please visit source site

Detector HOTA DetA AssA DetRe DetPr AssRe AssPr LocA MOTA
second-iou 78.787 74.482 83.611 80.665 84.72 89.022 88.575 88.63 85.129