Self-Classifier: Self-Supervised Classification Network


Official PyTorch implementation and pretrained models of the paper Self-Supervised Classification Network. Self-Classifier is a self-supervised end-to-end classification neural network. It learns labels and representations simultaneously in a single-stage end-to-end manner.

Self-Classifier architecture. Two augmented views of the same image are processed by a shared network. The cross-entropy of the two views is minimized to promote same class prediction while avoiding degenerate solutions by asserting a uniform prior. The resulting model learns representations and class labels in a single-stage end-to-end unsupervised manner. CNN: Convolutional Neural Network; FC: Fully Connected.


  1. Install Conda environment:

     conda env create -f ./environment.yml
  2. Install Apex with CUDA extension:

     export TORCH_CUDA_ARCH_LIST="7.0"  # see
     pip install git+git://[email protected] --install-option="--cuda_ext"         



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