A python functions for robotic motion planning and task and motion planning

pybullet-planning (previously ss-pybullet)

A repository of PyBullet utility functions for robotic motion planning, manipulation planning, and task and motion planning (TAMP). This repository was originally developed for the PDDLStream (previously named STRIPStream) approach to TAMP.

With the help of Yijiang Huang, a stable and documented fork of pybullet-planning named pybullet_planning is available through PyPI. However, new features will continue to be introduced first through pybullet-planning.


Install for macOS or Linux using:

pybullet-planning is intended to have ongoing support for both python2.7 and python3.*

Make sure to recursively update pybullet-planning‘s submodules when pulling new commits.

pybullet-planning$ git pull --recurse-submodules

IKFast Compilation

We recommend using IKFast, an analytical inverse kinematics solver, instead of PyBullet’s damped least squares solver.
IKFast bindings are included for the




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